BakkesMod Wiki

This is the wiki page for the console command:


The player command can provide information about the players car location and rotation. It also allows manipulation of the current location, rotation, velocity, and angular velocity of the car.


Retrieve information[]

To use the command to get information about the current location and rotation, open the console and type:


Location is given in game coordinates (unreal units). Rotation is given in Euler angles 16-bit integers -32768 = -pi to 32767 ≈ pi.

Manipulate state[]


To change the player location, type

player location X Y Z

Replace X, Y, and Z with the desired coordinates in game units. Unlike the retrieval of the location, this is 100% accurate.


To change the player rotation, type

player rotation Pitch Yaw Roll

Replace Pitch, Yaw, and Roll with the desired euler angles scaled in 16-bit integers, -32768 = -pi to 32767 ≈ pi.

Linear Velocity[]

To change the player velocity, type

player velocity X Y Z

Replace X, Y, and Z with the desired velocity in game units (unreal units / second). 2300 uu/s is the maximum total velocity of the car.

Angular Velocity[]

To change the player angular velocity, type

player angularvelocity X Y Z

Replace X, Y, and Z with the desired angular velocity in rad/s. 5.5 rad/s is the maximum total angular velocity of the car.
